Lahic is a small village located in the center of Azerbaijan, population only 2,000. It is buried deep in the southern slops of Caucasus Mountains. Due to its natural beauty, Lahic perhaps is the most visited village by foreigners in Azerbaijan. When Vivian and I walk on the main street, we do not gather much attention or stares as we normally received in our towns. I am happy about that.

The entire village only has one main street which however, connects to labyrinth of side allies. This “V” shape cobblestone street still has its charm. It is the world oldest drainage system. The warm weather has melted the snow from the upper mountain. Water carrying debris keeps rushing down to this “V” shape channel and eventually joins the main river below us.
As we climb further up to the village, we begin to see more locals re-open their shops after their midday rest. The town was originally a copper mining hub, but that has died down and gradually developed into a craft center. Vivian and I wonder through many copper and brass shops which now sustain the village's economy. I wish my budget was not so tight that I could purchase a few items to help the locals. I saw a beautiful bowl that I think Wood and Jomi would love to have in their home. These are my dearest friends from New York. When I need to raise money for my project, I contacted them. Without any hesitation, they wired me the money within a week. They are really “a friend in need”.
When we reach the top of the hill, it is the end of the cobblestone road. Few hundred feet further is the main river. Across from the river is a steep hill. Beyond that steep hill is a vast green field dotted with many sheep, cows, horses and a farm house. By the end of the field is the ancient shepherd’s track leading to the top of the mountain. Judging from my hiking experience, it will take me less than an hour to scale up to the top. Vivian, however, does not agree with me, so I convince her to stay and I will go alone. I set my turn around time and ask her to watch me climbing up to the top. She agrees.