May 12, 2017
I never a fan of politicians. They all start as an ordinary people like us,
but once they become a congressman, senator or political leader, everything
changes. First it is the money. Overnight, their source of income expands;
their bank account receives untraced wire transfers. After a few years, they move to an upscale
neighborhood. Making lunch reservation
at the Russian tearoom is no longer required.
A luxury hotel suit is made available to them with no cost. Now, they fly 1st class or receive
offers from business billionaires to use their private jet for free. Their
spouse, kids, relatives and in-laws benefit too. Their children go to prestige Ivy League
school even they clearly are not qualified.
After graduation, they receive outrages salary by doing odd jobs. Their
criminal relatives, in-laws and friends receive pardon even their sins are
Once upon a time, these politicians loved to
talk to church folks, university students, street vendors, blue-collar workers and
housewives, volunteered their time to help grassroots organizations, and
offered free speeches to inspire youngsters.
Today, they are busy playing golf with Wall Street CEOs, sailing with
tycoons, wining and dining with foreigner diplomats. If you ask them to support your charitable
event, or to invite them to your fund raising gala, they expect something in return,
percentage of your collected funds have to be “donated” to their private “charitable
foundation”. If you cannot afford them,
no matter, plenty of Wall Street CEOs, and CFOs are willing to pay them large
sum for making speeches, and of course, not for nothing. The Clinton is such corrupted politician.
Over the years, I
have watched the Clinton, both husband and wife, shifting their political views
to whichever way the wind blew, lying about their lies to justify their more
lies, betraying their friends for political gains, and worse of all, making
fault promises to the Americans to gain their votes.
When they were caught, first they denied, then they blamed others, and
if unsuccessful, their best defense was almost always the same, “right wing
conspiracy”. The night Hillary Clinton
was defeated by Donald Trump, I was asleep.
When I heard the news in the morning, I could not believe that was
real. But it was more than real. I was elated.

It was a good
feeling to see bad people get punished, to know God indeed is fair and has its