Tuesday, October 27, 2020



October 26, 2020

Have my annual physical, and the nurse asks me to rate my stress level.  I ponder a few seconds and respond with a smile: zero.  She laughs and understandably agrees with me and says: “you exercise so much and it does create some kind of positive energy in your brain, good for you!”.

But she is only partially correct.  I think age has something to do with it too.  Some people fear or even hate aging, I EMBRACE it.  When you are young, you have so many ridiculous dreams and ambitions, not that you should not have them, but they come with a price: STRESS.  Relationship, of course is another one that causes so much distress.  They, nonetheless, are part of growing up, part of life.

When you get to certain age, have experienced so much, gone through life with the pain, the joy, the disappointment, the excitement, the elation, the frustration, and the sorrow, either you remember and accept them with grace and dignity, or bear them in mind with regret and grief.  It is all about attitude.

There is an old Chinese saying: 無怨無悔也是人生一種美

Meaning: when you go through life with no complaint and regret, it is comforting and another kind of beauty in life.

Monday, March 23, 2020


March 23, 2020

The deadly COVID-19 did not stop cherry blossom lovers from crowding the park.  The authority eventually has to close some metro stations and park entrance.  You can, however still watch the display from afar or choose to walk to certain area of the park.

I moved to DC in 2012, and as I remember, not even once I went down to join the crowds.  To tell the truth, I hate it.  You cannot take one photo without including a stranger in it.  There are many cherry trees in DC and VA.  As a matter of fact, down by my apartment complex, there are cherry, apple, peach and pear trees, all yield pink, white and red flowers.  If I walk 16 miles by the Four Mile Run River, I can see the most beautiful cherry tree display by Highway I-66.  But the problem is, no one wants to lift their legs, not even a couple miles to catch the glory once a year.  So because of the inconvenience, most people stop coming to the park. GOOD!  They don’t deserve to be there anyway.

Someone once said, we lost our legs after the car was invented. Years ago, I spent one Christmas with a college roommate.  Her family is rich and has many cars.  One day, her mother asked her to pick up mails from the mailbox which was only a minute’s walk down the hill.  But guess what, she took her car and drove down to the hill and collected the mails. Her mother gave her a smile with an approval.   I was speechless.

COVID-19 is not a deadly virus.  For a healthy adult, it is nothing more than a flu. Most people can survive from it.  Your natural immune system is capable of fighting off the virus.  But another problem is, there are not many folks wants to be healthy nowadays because it is too much work.

I once watched a TV reality show and an overweighted young girl was in tears telling the world that she was happy for what she was.  She loved to eat, especially junk foods, fatty foods, foods other than green she admitted.  “Fat can be beautiful too!” She said it with such a noble attitude and the audience cheered.  I took a deep breath and said nothing to people around me.  The world is changing and I don’t like it a bit.

It is not the virus killing us, it is us killing us!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Self Respect

February 29, 2020 

Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse case is over.  He is convicted of committing a criminal sex act in the first degree and rape in the third degree, but he is acquitted of the more serious charges of predatory sexual assault and one count of first-degree rape.  He is sentenced to 25 years behind bar.  Most likely he will die in prison, either is bitten to death by inmates or die of old age. He deserves the punishment.

Harvey Weinstein is a despicable man, , but he is not unique. This individual exists everywhere.   I even recognize him in history, thousand years ago.  He is timeless!   Harvey Weinstein is a popular character although not a likable one.  Some people, instead of distance themselves from him, choose to socialize with him, of course, for selfish reasons; money and fame.

The two women accusers of Harvey Weinstein are no exception.  Their decision to tolerate Weinstein’s abuses for years baffle many people, even the jurors.  Their friendly e-mails exchanges were the strongest defense used by Weinstein’s legal team.    Should these women be held accountable for their own action, or lack of?  Are they entirely innocent?

Harvey Weinstein has no power over anyone. When the two women succumbed their will to fight against this evil man and endured his unpardonable sins,  continued to put up with his sexual demands.  The message they sent to Harvey Weinstein was clear.  It convinced him that what he did was not wrong.  He was given the permission to go on with his demands.   For him, it was nothing more than just a business transaction, both parties were making deals, one gave, and one received.  At the end, like to a joint-venture or investment in the stock market, no one is promised with a gain.  For the accusers, they not only lost money and fame, they also lost their own “self”.
I will never sell my soul and body to anyone even I have to work in McDonald to make a living.  It all comes down to “self-respect”.   


Friday, January 03, 2020

Doing the Right Thing!
January 3, 2020

Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching – even when doing the wrong thing is legal” Aldo Leopoldo.

First time I read it, I was impressed.  Ever since, I value this principle, apply it to my daily life.  I also place this moral standard upon my friends, my co-workers, my family members and even a stranger.  Rich or poor, educated or uneducated, politician or artist, emperor or common people, ethical behavior must live in everyone’s mind and soul.  It differentiates us from beast, so we do not steal, cheat, lie, and are unkind to others.

Do the right thing should be our instinct, something with which we are born.  I remember my professor once said, “We ought to obey rules and do the right thing.  We may think laws and orders take away our freedom for they restrict what we can and cannot do.  For example, one may not cross a street when the red light is on.  If we follow laws and orders, one day, we will realize that what we conform to do becomes what we enjoy doing, what we ought to do turns to what we love doing.  That is when ultimate happiness is achieved.”  It sounded so profound and I could not fully comprehend it first, but it stays with me all these years.

No one should succumb oneself to unethical behavior.  Bad conduct, if it is not corrected and reprimanded, can create a toxic environment, deteriorate our heart and soul.  I once, risked my career to report to the authority of unethical conducts committed by a senior government official.  The process, although took years and I encountered numerous setbacks, I NEVER gave in.   At the end, justice was done.

I take no pleasure seeing anyone lose a job, but my determination to do the right thing restores victim’s hope that no one is above the laws.  If one commits a wrongful act, there are consequences, and in due course, he/she will be punished.   No one, certainly, is untouchable!