It was six months ago that I first met this Azeri gentleman in the park. At first, he just stared at me, few days later; he began to say “salam”. Few weeks later, he stopped me and started talking to me. Although I could not fully understand what he was saying, I could hear some “danger” words, like “chox” (very much) “sevimli” (love) “xoshma gelin” (like), cay ichmek (drink tea). Watching his expression, I further convinced myself that I had understood hi

One spring day, running by the sea, I saw him again. He was with a group of Azeri gentlemen. This time, he did not stop me, just waved and said “salam”. As usual, I said my “salam” as well. Couple of days later in the same wooded area, we met again. This time, he was alone, in fact, he was waiting for me. As soon as he saw me, he approached me and started using those “danger” words again, and this time, he used them a lot! With my broken Azerbaijani, I tried very hard to explain to him that I was married (of course I lied). He understood me all right, but still was reluctantly to let me go. His body language was telling me that “yes, you are married, I am married, so what”. Oh good God, I was embarrassed. Before I had a chance to run away, he held my hand and started kissing it. IT IS AN OMAZ! (Forbidden in Azeri society).
Now he was holding both of my hands, grinning at me, showing me all his 24k gold teeth. (that means he is quite well off) Maybe for the Azeri women, he is a handsome and rich middle age man, but to me, he is not so desirable (don’t want to use the “u” word), especially with all those yellow teeth. Again, I told him that I was married. Turning around, I ran as fast as I could.
This afternoon, he was there again and this time, he was NAKED! I was not sure he was completely naked for I could only catch his upper body. I really did not want to see the rest. He yelled out “Salam”. I pretended that I could not hear him and ran out of the wood like a shooting bullet. Good God, what did I get myself into!
Maybe starting tomorrow, I need to change my running route
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