Wake up early in the morning and feel the chilliness in the air. I cannot help but realize that the zenith of summer is slipping away. Before long, it will be fall and the winter snow will soon be flying by my bedroom window.
I love summer, in spite of the unbearable heat this year. I enjoy wearing a sleeveless casual shirt with a pair of scandals or even bare foot, sauntering on grass, riverbank and seashore. Summer has certain allures that attract even the most un-outdoor people to go outside. Another charming feature that I love about summer is the thunder storms it brings. The storm usually departs as quickly as it comes, but the effects that it has on plants, trees, flowers, wildlife and the earth are unmistakable, although it may cause some inconveniences to us, human. (Deal with it HUMAN!) Rain from the storm revitalizes, rejuvenates and energizes every living and nonliving thing on earth. Birds sing louder, their songs are sweeter. Trees are happier, their leaves with dripping raindrops turn greener, like a tall handsome healthy man just gets out of shower, smells and looks wonderful! Shrubs and flowers are invigorated by the rain, new sprouts and flower buds appear in thousands shortly after the rain. They cannot wait to show off how merry they are as well. I take great pleasure to visit them in my walk.
But now, most of the flowering plants have gone to seed and in the morning, I hear less and less birds chirping. This morning, I even switched on the light in order to perform my morning chores. Nevertheless, end of summer brings other delights I fancy. It is the magic it creates at night.
Last night, I decided to put my air conditioner to rest. I opened all the windows and let the fresh air fill my apartment. Instantaneously, I was greeted by the nicest breeze, cool but not cold, inviting and soothing, just the right temperature. Outside, the sound of my neighbors’ air conditioners were suppressed by the chirping sound of crickets and the rustling sound of leaves. Then, I looked up; it was a full moon. This orange ball shone through tree branches, peeking down at me with the brightest smile. Now living in Virginia, I have the comfort of having trees surrounding my apartment. My bedroom window faces a wooded area. Giant sugar maple and oak loom over the building, providing a cool canopy and allowing hot air to transform into a much cooler temperature. Even in the peak of summer, my apartment is much cooler than outside. Now at night, I need a light blanket to keep warm.
I do not know whether it is safe to take walk after dark, but the magic of the night emboldens me to go out. I think I will do just that tonight.
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