Yesterday, the weather took a 360 degree change. The day before, the temperature was at the 80s and suddenly, the wind picked up at night. Next morning, it rained and the temperature dropped to about 50 degree. Here in the small town of Jorat, heating system does not exist. The only way to keep warm is to wear layers and layers of clothing. Our town is next to the Caspian Sea, the wind bri

It usually takes me less than 10 minutes to walk to school, but that morning, the wind was really blowing hard. Even my host mother’s chickens refused to come out from their little hut to be fed. The birds were not singing that morning either. The wind was making everything miserable. On my way to school, I was nearly being blown off from the side walk. But when I reached the school, everything changed. I felt warm and happy right away.
By the entrance of my school, usually there are five NeNe(s) (grandmothers) sitting by the door to greet the school children. When I first arrived at the school in October, they all stared at me with a stone face. By nature, I am a very cheerful person, so I gave them a big Salam (greetings) and of course, no one understood my Azerbaijani. So I approached the oldest one, (in Azerbaijan, the oldest person usually receives the most respect) I held her hands and said Salam again to her. This time, she understood and gave me a big, big smile. After that morning, they all remember me and give me a ch

That morning, as soon as they saw me walking in the wind, they all came out to the window and greeted me with some Azeri words which I could not understand. When I reached them, I was surrounded by them and they touched my hands, my shoulders and pull me inside. Since that day, I know I have five new NeNes who love me in Azerbaijan.
1 comment:
Chi - I love that the old folks love you....I am not surprised since you are a very kind person and that projects from your demeanor. Get some fat on that body of will only get colder!!!! Hope you're feeling better!
Happy Halloween!
Linda and Mickey
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