Time does go by so fast here. I have been here in Azerbaijan more than a month now. Tomorrow is our mid term language examination. I am very nervous about the test tomorrow. Each PCT is required to have fifteen minutes Azerbaijani conversation with our teachers. We will be graded based on our ability to interact with them, and depends on how well the conversation is carried out, we then w

Vivian and I are the “weakest link” in the class. The other young PCVs are doing much better than two of us. Compare to Vivian, however, I am doing a little better than she is. Vivian always has a sense of humor. She told me that tomorrow she would just sit in front of the LCF, freeze, cry, and then plead for mercy. I know she did not mean it, so I told her, whatever she was planning to do, just try not to wet her pants and keep up with her grace. We both had a good laugh. Both of us study very hard and our teacher realizes that too. Our language teacher told us not too worries; just relax and try to have a casual conversation.
I was a straight A student in collage, but I did study very hard to get those good grades. Maybe I am getting older now. Trying to be the head of the class is no longer that important to me. I just want to learn some basis Azerbaijani so I can get by with my daily life here. I will relax, smile, then cry and beg for mercy tomorrow. J Vivian and I will receive the low for sure, just do not how low it will get, but who cares, we come here to help people with our heart, not our month.
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