Few people read my blog and e-mailed me, asking me the identification of “J”. Most of my friend in CMCNY never heard of “J”, some even suspected it is one of the members in CMCNY. I made a mistake once dating a guy in CMCNY, after that I learnt my lesson. I will never ever do it again. There are just too many gossips in CMCNY.

I know “J” more than seventeen years. “J” is a special friend who has given me lots of pain, but lots of joy and sweet memories as well. During these past seventeen years, we did not see each other as often as I wanted, but we have a special bond. We know each other well and we feel absolutely comfortable with each other. I can say anything to “J” and “J” can do the same to me. I know I will be there for “J” and “J” will be there for me. I am very fond of “J” and that is all I am going to say about “J”. :)
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