Monday, August 04, 2014

Life After Peace Corps - An Unfair Game

An Unfair Game

War is never a solution to a conflict; rather it further inflicts the problem.  When two countries are at war, it is their people suffer the most. 

From my reading of the “Arabian Sands”, I understand that in the old Muslim world, “an eye for an eye” is the traditional way to settle conflict between tribes.   A life is to be paid for the death of another life.  This enigmatic rule of killing, nevertheless, never involved with a woman or a child.    The law is primitive, yet makes sense. 

When an Israeli soldier was killed, more than 100 Palestrina women and children’s lives had to be scarified.  Life from one side is precious; life from the other side is not.  Israel is a civilized country, yet its rules are barbaric and

I never understood why the Nazi carried so much hate towards Jewish people.   Animosity is often a result of an emotion, sometime roots from love.  To hate someone so intensely, that person must once care deeply about that person.  I know I will never have a desire to hate a Jew.

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