Friday, December 03, 2010

My Life in Azerbaijan - Becoming a Good Cook!

December 1, 2010
This summer, I had quite a few PCV visitors; Catharine, Carol, Vivian, Megan, Rikki, Mariel, a LCF and three AZ8 girls. This week, my new sitemate, Susan is also coming to see me. To entertain them, I cooked them lunch or dinner. Although I enjoy cooking, I hardly did any cooking in New York due to my busy schedule. Now I have all the free time, so I cook everyday. Practice makes it perfect; that is what happening to my cooking skills.

My visitors seem to like my cooking. Vivian was once a famous cater in the US, even she likes my scallion pancake with vegetable soup. Rikki is fond of my roasted chicken or chicken with black bean source. Megan enjoys the bean cake and fried rice. The three AZ8 girls finished all my American, Chinese and Azerbaijani pancakes with jam. Lately, I even learnt to make fresh noodles.

With simply flour, I made the thick noodle, cook it in boiling water for just a few minutes. On the plate, I place some freshly chopped scallions, mixed with sesame oil, soy source, pin of sugar, white or black pepper, a little bit of salty pickle radish or dried pork meat (entirely optional). When the noodle is done, pour them over the mixture, the heat from the noodle slightly warms the mixture and it brings out the aroma of the sesame oil. Finally sprinkle on top some toasted sesame seeds. The dish is simple, tasty and healthy. Doesn’t that look good?

Eat it with a pair of chopstick makes the meal even more interesting and enjoyable. I recommend a bottle of 1985 French red wine (which I have been saving it for a special occasion at home) to accompany with the meal.

Nuş olsun! (Bon appetit)

I hope “J” will ask me to cook the noodle for him.

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